Cloudinary Blog

Archive for 2017 - Page 3
forLoop: Nigeria Event on Building for The Next Billion Users


Since Google shared their intent for the next billion internet users, some African developers thought this was pointing right at them and they needed to act fast. The mission to bring the next billion users from Africa to the internet kicked off a storm of enthusiasm. This community event turned into a success story and this is a summary of what happened.

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Taking a Collaborative Approach to DAM: The Importance of Marketing and IT Synergy

There are a lot of cool and useful marketing technology and tools available today. As a part of the marketing team at Cloudinary, we must identify and recommend the solutions that will scale and optimize our ability to reach, and effectively engage with, our prospects. One of the most critical tools, perhaps, is a digital asset management (DAM) solution, which I discussed in an earlier article here.

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Cloudinary Gives You More…For Free!

We know what it’s like being a start-up, and whether you're running a new venture, or part of a team in a large company - we want to make your life easier and your media shine. Our proposal? Kick off your project with a HUGE free plan, no strings attached.

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Build a PDF Viewer with Vue.js and Cloudinary

Cloudinary offers an interesting feature: The ability to generate images from the PDF files and pages. With Cloudinary, you can create thumbnail images of your documents for previewing purposes. It's useful when you don't want to grant user access to the content, but need to give them a sneak peek of what they're missing if they haven’t downloaded the PDF yet.

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How to Create Images for Responsive Web Design

By Christian Nwamba
How to Create Images for Responsive Web Design

Images are crucial to website performance, but most still don't implement responsive images. It’s not just about fitting an image on the screen, but also making the the image size relatively rational to the device. The srcset and sizes options, which are your best hit are hard to implement. Cloudinary provides an easier way, which we will discuss in this article.

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The Future of Audio and Video on the Web

By Prosper Otemuyiwa
The Future of Web Video and Audio Streaming

Web sites and platforms are becoming increasingly media-rich. Today, approximately 62 percent of internet traffic is made up of images, with audio and video constituting a growing percentage of the bytes.

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