import CutByImage from "./reshape/CutByImage.js";
import {ImageSource} from "../qualifiers/source/sourceTypes/ImageSource.js";
import {DistortArcAction} from "./reshape/DistortArc.js";
import {ShearAction} from "./reshape/Shear.js";
import {DistortAction, IDistortCoordinates} from "./reshape/Distort.js";
import {TrimAction} from "./reshape/TrimAction.js";
import {TextSource} from "../qualifiers/source/sourceTypes/TextSource.js";
import {FetchSource} from "../qualifiers/source/sourceTypes/FetchSource.js";
import {stringOrNumber} from "../types/types.js";

type IReshape = CutByImage | DistortArcAction;

 * @summary action
 * @memberOf Actions
 * @namespace Reshape
 * @description Adjusts the shape of the delivered image. </br>
 * <b>Learn more:</b> {@link|Shape changes and distortion effects}
 * @example
 * // Expand every function separately to see its own example

 * @summary action
 * @description Trims pixels according to the transparency levels of a given overlay image.
 * Wherever the overlay image is transparent, the original is shown, and wherever the overlay is opaque, the resulting image is transparent.
 * @param {Qualifiers.Source.ImageSource} imageSource
 * @memberOf Actions.Reshape
 * @return {Actions.Reshape.CutByImage}
 * @example
 * <caption> <h4>Cut an image by using another image(Gravity)</h4> </caption>
 * import {Cloudinary, Transformation} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const img = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * import {cutByImage} from '@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/reshape';
 * import {image} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/qualifiers/source";
 * img.reshape(
 *    cutByImage(
 *        image('sourceImage').transformation(new Transformation())
 * ))
 * img.toString()
function cutByImage(imageSource: ImageSource | TextSource | FetchSource): CutByImage {
  return new CutByImage(imageSource);

 * @summary action
 * @description Distorts the image to an arc shape.
 * <b>Learn more:</b> {@link|Distorting images}</br>
 * <b>Learn more:</b> {@link|Distortion effects}
 * @param {number} degrees The degrees to arc the image
 * @memberOf Actions.Reshape
 * @return {Actions.Reshape.DistortArcAction}
 * @example
 * <caption> <h4>Distort arc</h4> </caption>
 * import {Cloudinary, Transformation} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const img = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * import {distortArc} from '@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/reshape';
 * img.reshape(
 *    distortArc(200)
 * )
 * img.toString()
function distortArc(degrees: number | string): DistortArcAction {
  return new DistortArcAction(degrees);

 * @summary action
 * @description Distorts the image to a new shape by adjusting its corners to achieve perception warping.
 * Specify four corner coordinates, representing the new coordinates for each of the image's four corners,
 * in clockwise order from the top-left corner.
 * <b>Learn more:</b> {@link|Distorting images}
 * @param {number[]} coordinates - Four x/y pairs representing the new image corners
 * @memberOf Actions.Reshape
 * @return {Actions.Reshape.DistortAction}
 * @example
 * <caption> <h4>Distorting an image</h4> </caption>
 * import {Cloudinary, Transformation} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const img = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * import {distort} from '@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/reshape';
 * img.reshape(
 *    distort([100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200, 100])
 * )
 * img.toString()
function distort(coordinates: IDistortCoordinates): DistortAction {
  return new DistortAction(coordinates);

 * @summary action
 * @description Skews the image according to the two specified values in degrees.
 * @param {number} x Skews the image according to the two specified values in degrees. (X and Y)
 * @param {number} y Skews the image according to the two specified values in degrees. (X and Y)
 * @memberOf Actions.Reshape
 * @return {Actions.Reshape.ShearAction}
 * @example
 * <caption> <h4>Shearing an image</h4> </caption>
 * import {Cloudinary, Transformation} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const img = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * import {shear} from '@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/reshape';
 * img.reshape(
 *    shear(50, 0)
 * )
 * img.toString()
function shear(x: stringOrNumber, y: stringOrNumber): ShearAction {
  return new ShearAction(x, y);

 * @summary action
 * @description Removes the edges of the image based on the color of the corner pixels.
 * Specify a color other than the color of the corner pixels using the colorOverride() method
 * @memberOf Actions.Reshape
 * @return {Actions.Reshape.TrimAction}
 * @example
 * <caption> <h4>Trimming an image</h4> </caption>
 * import {Cloudinary, Transformation} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
 * const yourCldInstance = new Cloudinary({cloud:{cloudName:'demo'}});
 * const img = yourCldInstance.image('woman');
 * import {trim} from '@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/reshape';
 * img.reshape(
 *    trim().colorOverride('blue').colorSimilarity(15)
 * )
 * img.toString()
function trim(): TrimAction {
  return new TrimAction();

const Reshape = {cutByImage, distortArc, distort, shear, trim};
export {cutByImage, Reshape, IReshape, distortArc, distort, shear, trim};