import {Action} from "../../internal/Action.js";
import {Transformation} from "../../transformation/Transformation.js";
import {VideoSource} from "../../qualifiers/source/sourceTypes/VideoSource.js";
import {ImageSource} from "../../qualifiers/source/sourceTypes/ImageSource.js";
import {FetchSource} from "../../qualifiers/source/sourceTypes/FetchSource.js";
import {IActionModel} from "../../internal/models/IActionModel.js";
import {IConcatenateActionModel} from "../../internal/models/IConcatenateActionModel.js";
import {ITransformationFromJson} from "../../internal/models/IHasFromJson.js";
import {IVideoSourceModel} from "../../internal/models/IVideoSourceModel.js";
import {createSourceFromModel} from "../../internal/models/createSourceFromModel.js";

 * @description Class for Concatenating another video.
 * <b>Learn more</b>: {@link|Concatenating videos}
 * @extends SDK.Action
 * @memberOf Actions.VideoEdit
 * @see Visit {@link Actions.VideoEdit|VideoEdit} for an example
class ConcatenateAction extends Action {
  private concatSource: VideoSource | ImageSource | FetchSource;
  private _prepend: boolean;
  private _duration: number;
  private _transition: VideoSource;
  protected _actionModel: IConcatenateActionModel;

   * @param {Qualifiers.Source.VideoSource | Qualifiers.Source.ImageSource | Qualifiers.Source.FetchSource} source
   *         the Source to concatenate
  constructor(source: VideoSource | ImageSource | FetchSource) {
    this._actionModel = {
      actionType: 'concatenate',
      source: source.toJson() as IVideoSourceModel

    this.concatSource = source;

   * @description Sets the transition between a video and a concatenated source
   * @param {Qualifiers.Transition.VideoSource} source The source to concatenate.
   * @return {this}
  transition(source: VideoSource): this {
    this._actionModel.transition = source.toJson() as IVideoSourceModel;
    this._transition = source;
    return this;

   * @description Prepend the concatenated video - Adds the video before the original
   * @return {this}
  prepend(): this {
    this._actionModel.prepend = true;
    this._prepend = true;
    return this;

   * The duration in seconds
   * @param {number} sec
   * @return {this}
  duration(sec: number): this {
    this._actionModel.duration = sec;
    this._duration = sec;
    return this;

   * @description Get the transitionString for the toString() method
   * @return {string}
  getTransitionString(): string {
    const transTx = this._transition.getTransformation();
    return [
      transTx && transTx.toString(),
    ].filter((a) => a).join('/');

   * @description Get the string representation of the Concatenation action
  toString(): string {
     * The toString() method is composed of several steps due to the complex nature of the concatenate transformation.
     * First, we calculate the open and close parts of the top-level transformation:
     *   - {open}/{sourceTransformation}/{close}
     * Unlike a regular overlay, there are multiple 'bits' appended to the open and close parts of the tx.
     * - duration (du_) might be prepended on the opening of the layer (du_5,l_sample)
     * - fl_splice is also added, but only if a transition is not needed.
     * once we've calculated the open and close parts, we now need to deal with the Transition.
     * the transition is an inner transformation on the source with a special effect (e_transition) appended to it.
     * To calculate the transition string, we need to take the transformation from the source(assuming it has one)

    // Calculate the open part
    const open = [
      this._duration && `du_${this._duration}`,
      !this._transition && `fl_splice`,
    ].filter((a) => a).join(',');

    // Calculate the open part
    const close = [
      this._prepend && 'so_0'
    ].filter((a) => a).join(',');

    // Calculate the Transition part
    let concatSourceTx;
    if (this.concatSource.getTransformation()) {
      concatSourceTx = this.concatSource.getTransformation();
    } else {
      concatSourceTx = new Transformation();

    if (this._transition) {

    // Put it all together, the transition is already part of the concatSourceTx
    return [
    ].filter((a) => a).join('/');

  static fromJson(actionModel: IActionModel, transformationFromJson: ITransformationFromJson): ConcatenateAction {
    const {source, transition, prepend, duration} = (actionModel as IConcatenateActionModel);
    const sourceInstance = createSourceFromModel(source, transformationFromJson) as ImageSource;

    // We are using this() to allow inheriting classes to use super.fromJson.apply(this, [actionModel])
    // This allows the inheriting classes to determine the class to be created
    const result = new this(sourceInstance);
    if (transition){
      result.transition(VideoSource.fromJson(transition, transformationFromJson));

    if (prepend){

    if (duration){

    return result;

export default ConcatenateAction;