import CustomFunctionAction from "../actions/customFunction/CustomFunctionAction.js";
import {LayerAction} from "../actions/layer/LayerAction.js";
import {Action} from "../internal/Action.js";
import VariableAction from "../actions/variable/VariableAction.js";
import {ConditionalAction} from "../actions/conditional.js";
import {ResizeSimpleAction} from "../actions/resize/ResizeSimpleAction.js";
import RotateAction from "../actions/rotate/RotateAction.js";
import {BackgroundColor} from "../actions/background/actions/BackgroundColor.js";
import {NamedTransformationAction} from "../actions/namedTransformation/NamedTransformationAction.js";
import {SmartObjectAction} from "../actions/psdTools/SmartObjectAction.js";
import {ClipAction} from "../actions/psdTools/ClipAction.js";
import {GetLayerAction} from "../actions/psdTools/GetLayerAction.js";
import {IReshape} from "../actions/reshape.js";
import {SystemColors} from "../qualifiers/color.js";
import {prepareColor} from "../internal/utils/prepareColor.js";
import {ExtractAction} from "../actions/extract.js";
import {BorderAction} from "../actions/border.js";
import {FlagQualifier} from "../qualifiers/flag/FlagQualifier.js";
import {EffectActions} from "../actions/effect.js";
import {videoEditType} from "../actions/videoEdit.js";
import {RawAction} from "../internal/RawAction.js";
import {IAdjustAction} from "../actions/adjust.js";
import {IDeliveryAction} from "../actions/delivery.js";
import {ITranscodeAction} from "../actions/transcode.js";
import {AnimatedAction} from "../actions/animated.js";
import RoundCornersAction from "../actions/roundCorners/RoundCornersAction.js";
import {IActionModel} from "../internal/models/IActionModel.js";
import {IErrorObject, isErrorObject} from "../internal/models/IErrorObject.js";
import {ITransformationModel} from "../internal/models/ITransformationModel.js";
import {DeliveryFormatAction} from "../actions/delivery/DeliveryFormatAction.js";

 * @summary SDK
 * @description - Defines how to transform an asset
 * @memberOf SDK
class Transformation {
  actions: (Action | RawAction)[];

  constructor() {
    this.actions = [];

   * @param {SDK.Action | string} action
   * @return {this}
  addAction(action: Action | string): this {
    let actionToAdd: Action | RawAction;
    if (typeof action === 'string') {
      if (action.indexOf('/') >= 0) {
        throw 'addAction cannot accept a string with a forward slash in it - /, use .addTransformation() instead';
      } else {
        actionToAdd = new RawAction(action);
    } else {
      actionToAdd = action;
    return this;

   * @description Allows the injection of a raw transformation as a string into the transformation, or a Transformation instance that was previously created
   * @param {string | SDK.Transformation} tx
   * @example
   * import {Transformation} from "@cloudinary/url-gen";
   * const transformation = new Transformation();
   * transformation.addTransformation('w_100/w_200/w_300');
   * @return {this}
  addTransformation(tx: string | Transformation): this {
    if (tx instanceof Transformation) {
      // Concat the new actions into the existing actions
      this.actions = this.actions.concat(tx.actions);
    } else {
      this.actions.push(new RawAction(tx));
    return this;

   * @return {string}
  toString(): string {
    return this.actions
      .map((action) => {
        return action.toString();
      .filter((a) => a)

   * @description Delivers an animated GIF.
   * @param {AnimatedAction} animatedAction
   * @return {this}
  animated(animatedAction: AnimatedAction): this {
    return this.addAction(animatedAction);

   * @description Adds a border around the image.
   * @param {Border} borderAction
   * @return {this}
  border(borderAction: BorderAction): this {
    return this.addAction(borderAction);

   * @description Adjusts the shape of the delivered image. </br>
   * <b>Learn more:</b> {@link|Shape changes and distortion effects}
   * @param {IReshape} reshapeAction
   * @return {this}
  reshape(reshapeAction: IReshape): this {
    return this.addAction(reshapeAction);

   * @description Resize the asset using provided resize action
   * @param {ResizeSimpleAction} resizeAction
   * @return {this}
  resize(resizeAction: ResizeSimpleAction): this {
    return this.addAction(resizeAction);

   * @desc An alias to Action Delivery.quality
   * @param {string|number} quality
   * @return {this}
  quality(quality: string | number): this {
    this.addAction(new DeliveryFormatAction('q', quality));
    return this;

   * @desc An alias to Action Delivery.format
   * @param {string} format
   * @return {this}
  format(format: string): this {
    this.addAction(new DeliveryFormatAction('f', format));
    return this;

   * @description Rounds the specified corners of an image.
   * @param roundCornersAction
   * @return {this}
  roundCorners(roundCornersAction: RoundCornersAction): this {
    return this.addAction(roundCornersAction);

   * @description Adds an overlay over the base image.
   * @param {LayerAction} overlayAction
   * @return {this}
  overlay(overlayAction: LayerAction): this {
    return this.addAction(overlayAction);

   * @description Adds an underlay under the base image.
   * @param {LayerAction} underlayAction
   * @return {this}
  underlay(underlayAction: LayerAction): this {
    return this.addAction(underlayAction);

   * @description Defines an new user variable.
   * @param {VariableAction} variableAction
   * @return {this}
  addVariable(variableAction: VariableAction): this {
    return this.addAction(variableAction);

   * @description Specifies a condition to be met before applying a transformation.
   * @param {ConditionalAction} conditionAction
   * @return {this}
  conditional(conditionAction: ConditionalAction): this {
    return this.addAction(conditionAction);

   * @description Applies a filter or an effect on an asset.
   * @param {SimpleEffectAction} effectAction
   * @return {this}
  effect(effectAction: EffectActions): this {
    return this.addAction(effectAction);

   * @description Applies adjustment effect on an asset.
   * @param action
   * @return {this}
  adjust(action: IAdjustAction): this {
    return this.addAction(action);

   * @description Rotates the asset by the given angle.
   * @param {RotateAction} rotateAction
   * @return {this}
  rotate(rotateAction: RotateAction): this {
    return this.addAction(rotateAction);

   * @description Applies a pre-defined named transformation of the given name.
   * @param {NamedTransformation} namedTransformation
   * @return {this}
  namedTransformation(namedTransformation: NamedTransformationAction): this {
    return this.addAction(namedTransformation);

   * @description Applies delivery action.
   * @param deliveryAction
   * @return {this}
  delivery(deliveryAction: IDeliveryAction): this {
    return this.addAction(deliveryAction);

   * @description Sets the color of the background.
   * @param {Qualifiers.Color} color
   * @return {this}
  backgroundColor(color: SystemColors): this {
    return this.addAction(new BackgroundColor(color));

   * @description Adds a layer in a Photoshop document.
   * @param action
   * @return {this}
  psdTools(action: SmartObjectAction | ClipAction | GetLayerAction): this {
    return this.addAction(action);

   * @description Extracts an image or a page using an index, a range, or a name from a layered media asset.
   * @param action
   * @return {this}
  extract(action: ExtractAction): this {
    return this.addAction(action);

   * @description Adds a flag as a separate action.
   * @param {Qualifiers.Flag | string} flagQualifier
   * @return {this}
  addFlag(flagQualifier: FlagQualifier | string): this {
    const action = new Action();
    let flagToAdd = flagQualifier;

    if (typeof flagQualifier === 'string') {
      flagToAdd = new FlagQualifier(flagQualifier);

    return this.addAction(action);

   * @description Inject a custom function into the image transformation pipeline.
   * @return {this}
  customFunction(customFunction: CustomFunctionAction): this {
    return this.addAction(customFunction);

   * Transcodes the video (or audio) to another format.
   * @param {Action} action
   * @return {this}
  transcode(action: ITranscodeAction): this {
    return this.addAction(action);

   * Applies the specified video edit action.
   * @param {videoEditType} action
   * @return {this}
  videoEdit(action: videoEditType): this {
    return this.addAction(action);

  toJson(): ITransformationModel | IErrorObject {
    const actions: IActionModel[] = [];

    for (const action of this.actions) {
      const json = action.toJson();
      if (isErrorObject(json)) {
        // Fail early and return an IErrorObject
        return json;
      actions.push(json as IActionModel);

    return {actions};

export {Transformation};