trait ImageAdjustmentTrait

Trait ImageAdjustmentTrait


autoBrightness(int $blend = null)

Adjusts the brightness and blends the result with the original image.

autoColor(int $blend = null)

Adjusts the color balance and blends the result with the original image.

autoContrast(int $blend = null)

Adjusts the contrast and blends the result with the original image.

fillLight(int $blend = null, int $bias = null)

Adjusts the fill light and blends the result with the original image.

improve(int $blend = null, string $mode = null)

Adjusts the image colors, contrast and brightness.

vibrance(int $strength = null)

Applies a vibrance filter on the image.


Enhances an image to its best visual quality with the Viesus Automatic Image Enhancement add-on.

red(int $level = null)

Adjusts the image's red channel.

green(int $level = null)

Adjusts the image's green channel.

blue(int $level = null)

Adjusts the image's blue channel.

brightnessHSB(int $level = null)

Adjusts image brightness modulation in HSB to prevent artifacts in some images.

hue(int $level = null)

Adjusts the image's hue.

tint(array ...$qualifiers)

Blends the image with one or more tint colors at the intensity specified.

replaceColor(string $toColor, int $tolerance = null, string $fromColor = null)

Maps an input color and those similar to the input color to corresponding shades of a specified output color, taking luminosity and chroma into account, in order to recolor an object in a natural way.

recolor(array ...$colorMatrix)

Converts the colors of every pixel in an image based on the supplied color matrix, in which the value of each color channel is calculated based on the values from all other channels (e.g. a 3x3 matrix for RGB, a 4x4 matrix for RGBA or CMYK, etc).

sharpen(int $strength = null)

Applies a sharpening filter to the image.

unsharpMask(int $strength = null)

Applies an unsharp mask filter to the image.

opacityThreshold(int $level = null)

Causes all semi-transparent pixels in an image to be either fully transparent or fully opaque.

opacity(float $level)

Adjusts the opacity of the image and makes it semi-transparent.


static BlendEffectAction autoBrightness(int $blend = null)

Adjusts the brightness and blends the result with the original image.


Name Type Description
$blend int How much to blend the adjusted brightness, where 0 means only use the original and 100 means only use the adjusted brightness result. (Range: 0 to 100, Server default: 100)

Return Value


static BlendEffectAction autoColor(int $blend = null)

Adjusts the color balance and blends the result with the original image.


Name Type Description
$blend int How much to blend the adjusted color result, where 0 means only use the original and 100 means only use the adjusted color result. (Range: 0 to 100, Server default: 100)

Return Value


static BlendEffectAction autoContrast(int $blend = null)

Adjusts the contrast and blends the result with the original image.


Name Type Description
$blend int How much to blend the adjusted contrast, where 0 means only use the original and 100 means only use the adjusted contrast result. (Range: 0 to 100, Server default: 100)

Return Value


static FillLight fillLight(int $blend = null, int $bias = null)

Adjusts the fill light and blends the result with the original image.


Name Type Description
$blend int How much to blend the adjusted fill light, where 0 means only use the original and 100 means only use the adjusted fill light result. Range: 0 to 100, Server default: 100)
$bias int The bias to apply to the fill light effect (Range: -100 to 100, Server default: 0).

Return Value


static Improve improve(int $blend = null, string $mode = null)

Adjusts the image colors, contrast and brightness.

Use the constants defined in \Cloudinary\Transformation\Improve for $mode.


Name Type Description
$blend int How much to blend the improved result with the original image, where 0 means only use the original and 100 means only use the improved result. (Range: 0 to 100, Server default: 100)
$mode string The improve mode. Use the constants defined in the Improve class.

Return Value


See also


static StrengthEffectAction vibrance(int $strength = null)

Applies a vibrance filter on the image.


Name Type Description
$strength int The strength of the vibrance. (Range: -100 to 100, Server default: 20)

Return Value


static ViesusCorrect viesusCorrect()

Enhances an image to its best visual quality with the Viesus Automatic Image Enhancement add-on.

For details, see the Viesus Automatic Image Enhancement add-on documentation.

static LevelEffectAction red(int $level = null)

Adjusts the image's red channel.


Name Type Description
$level int The level of red. (Range: -100 to 100, Server default: 0)

Return Value


static LevelEffectAction green(int $level = null)

Adjusts the image's green channel.


Name Type Description
$level int The level of green. (Range: -100 to 100, Server default: 0)

Return Value


static LevelEffectAction blue(int $level = null)

Adjusts the image's blue channel.


Name Type Description
$level int The level of blue. (Range: -100 to 100, Server default: 0)

Return Value


static LevelEffectAction brightnessHSB(int $level = null)

Adjusts image brightness modulation in HSB to prevent artifacts in some images.


Name Type Description
$level int The level of modulation. (Range: -99 to 100, Server default: 80)

Return Value


static LevelEffectAction hue(int $level = null)

Adjusts the image's hue.


Name Type Description
$level int The level of hue. (Range: -100 to 100, Server default: 80)

Return Value


static EffectAction tint(array ...$qualifiers)

Blends the image with one or more tint colors at the intensity specified.

Optional - equalize colors before tinting, specify gradient blend positioning per color.


Name Type Description
...$qualifiers array Syntax: [equalize]:[amount]:[color1]:[color1_position]:[color2]:[color2_position]:... [color10]:[color10_position]

Return Value


static ReplaceColor replaceColor(string $toColor, int $tolerance = null, string $fromColor = null)

Maps an input color and those similar to the input color to corresponding shades of a specified output color, taking luminosity and chroma into account, in order to recolor an object in a natural way.

More highly saturated input colors usually give the best results. It is recommended to avoid input colors approaching white, black, or gray.


Name Type Description
$toColor string The HTML name or RGB/A hex code of the target output color.
$tolerance int The tolerance threshold (a radius in the LAB color space) from the input color, representing the span of colors that should be replaced with a correspondingly adjusted version of the target output color. Larger values result in replacing more colors within the image. The more saturated the original input color, the more a change in value will impact the result (Server default: 50).
$fromColor string The HTML name or RGB/A hex code of the base input color to map (Server default: the most prominent high-saturation color in the image).

Return Value


See also


static EffectAction recolor(array ...$colorMatrix)

Converts the colors of every pixel in an image based on the supplied color matrix, in which the value of each color channel is calculated based on the values from all other channels (e.g. a 3x3 matrix for RGB, a 4x4 matrix for RGBA or CMYK, etc).

For every pixel in the image, take each color channel and adjust its value by the specified values of the matrix to get a new value.


Name Type Description
...$colorMatrix array The matrix of colors.

Return Value


static StrengthEffectAction sharpen(int $strength = null)

Applies a sharpening filter to the image.


Name Type Description
$strength int The strength of the filter. (Range: 1 to 2000, Server default: 100)

Return Value


static StrengthEffectAction unsharpMask(int $strength = null)

Applies an unsharp mask filter to the image.


Name Type Description
$strength int The strength of the filter. (Range: 1 to 2000, Server default: 100)

Return Value


static LevelEffectAction opacityThreshold(int $level = null)

Causes all semi-transparent pixels in an image to be either fully transparent or fully opaque.

Each pixel with an opacity lower than the specified threshold value is set to an opacity of 0%. Each pixel with an opacity greater than the specified threshold is set to an opacity of 100%. For example, setting opacity_threshold:0 makes all pixels non-transparent, while opacity_threshold:100 makes all semi-transparent pixels fully transparent. Note: This effect can be a useful solution when PhotoShop PSD files are delivered in a format supporting partial transparency, such as PNG, and the results without this effect are not as expected.


Name Type Description
$level int The level of the threshold. (Range: 1 to 100, Server default: 50)

Return Value


static Opacity opacity(float $level)

Adjusts the opacity of the image and makes it semi-transparent.


Name Type Description
$level float The level of opacity. 100 means opaque, while 0 is completely transparent. (Range: 0 to 100)

Return Value


See also
