Cloudinary Blog

Archive for 2020 - Page 7
Introducing Cloudinary’s New Laravel SDK

Known far and wide as the “PHP framework for web artisans,” Laravel is a robust, expressive, and productive developer tool. In particular, it's clean, smooth, and fluent API interface greatly simplifies the process of embedding features in web apps.

Read more Automates Generation of Captivating Product Images on Cloudinary

At, we digitally restore historic maps and sell their art prints on multiple platforms, such as Amazon, Etsy, eBay, and Houzz. As our operations ramped up years ago, it took an inordinately long time to generate custom images for our products. Plus, since we sell art, it behooves us to produce multiple high-quality images for each print, which was another time-consuming task.

Read more Takes a Vacation From Media-Management Headaches With Cloudinary

As a 20-year online leader in travel and leisure retail, Europe-based public company along with its 1,200 employees are committed to enriching the lives of vacationers through comprehensive and enticing products and services. Beyond flight deals and tours, it's the images and videos, whether of that luxury villa in Greece, romantic Parisian street, or exotic stroll through the Marrakech markets, that attract audiences and boost bookings.

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Creating a Collage Maker With Cloudinary

Creating a collage for images makes sharing more fun, promising to preserve a wealth of memories. A number of tools are available that do the job very well.

This post describes how to create a collage maker with Cloudinary. It took me a while to learn Cloudinary’s advanced implementation techniques, such as variables, the upload widget, unsigned uploads, tagging, and resource listings. No worries, however; many excellent references are at hand, e.g., this article by Cloudinary Support and the Cloudinary Cookbook.

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 Lazy-Load React to Enhance Page Performance for Your Apps

React is a popular open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces (UIs) for single-page web applications, with React Native slated for building mobile apps. Helpfully, React organizes UIs into collections of reusable components, rendering feature management a cakewalk. However, to boost user engagement, conversion, and SEO ranking, you must optimize your app for fast page loads.

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The Hub Helps Creative Talent Win Brand Work with Cloudinary

The Hub is decentralizing the creative process through its two-sided online marketplace that changes the way brands hire creators. The old model of committing all creative resources to one agency of record has proven time-consuming and expensive. Additionally, brands are limited to content that is only as good as the handful of people on that agency’s team.

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A Primer on Microbrowsers

How we browse online in our quest of information has largely been an unknown factor since the Internet became ubiquitous in the mid-1990s. What’s indisputable is that we’re unlikely to type in URLs as a start, especially if we don’t have clues as to which site to visit. Google search revolutionized the ability to find relevant information through keyword entries, leading to the emergence of search-engine optimization (SEO), whereby you as site owners ensure that the popular keywords appear in your content.

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