Cloudinary Blog

Archive for 2017

iOS Developer Camp: The Dog House

By Shantini Vyas
iOS Developer Camp: The Dog House

Confession: I’m kind of addicted to hackathons. Ever since graduating from Coding Dojo earlier this year, I’ve been on the hunt for new places to expand my skills and meet new people in the tech space. iOS Developer Camp’s 10th Anniversary event bowled me over. Initially, because of its length. 48 hours? Yeesh. I had no idea that those 48 hours would change my life. But let’s first get a little backstory on my favorite topic: dogs.

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GDPR: Cloudinary's take on the What, When, Why, and How

GDPR is a new regulation that deals with the way individuals' private information is handled. This regulation is going to have a deep effect on the entire internet industry. The fact that GDPR is a European regulation doesn't mean it's relevant only for European organizations. It requires protecting the data of any individual whose data is processed or stored in any way within European boundaries. As the reach of many companies is global, the requirement is actually relevant to a lot of companies worldwide.

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Mastering the Pivot

By Dom Sagolla
Mastering the Pivot

For 48 hours, over a hundred strangers worked together to form over twenty great teams to demonstrate shared ideas in working form. Our theme for the event was The Pivot, as we approach an inflection point in the tech community from a so-called “broligarchy” to a more representative culture. This was Developer Camp’s 10th Anniversary event, and we brought together our most diverse group of participants ever:

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ReactNYC: Building Modern Media Experiences in React Apps

In this talk, the audience learns everything they will ever need to know about playback controls, offline media, image & video optimization and transformation, pre-loading, deep learning with Images, audio & improving web performance by using the right tools while dealing with media assets in their react apps.

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How the Right Tools and Training Drive SDR Success

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” Will Rogers famously said. This statement rings very true for sales development representatives (SDRs) in any industry, as these are the individuals who are on the front lines, and making the first contact with prospective customers.

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The JS Video Player That Developers Will Love

It doesn't take a genius (or a statistician) to know that video represents a significant proportion of web and mobile content these days. But did you realize that in 2017, video will account for about 75% of all internet traffic and that 55% of people watch videos online every day? In fact, 52% of marketing professionals worldwide believe that video is the content type with the best ROI, with people spending up to 2.6x more time on pages with video than on those without.

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 Beyond Drupal Media: Make Images and Video Fly with Cloudinary

Drupal is a very popular open source content management system (CMS) that has been deployed countless times by organizations and developers around the world. Drupal gained a reputation for being very flexible, powerful and robust in creating complex websites. With Drupal, you can create everything from plain websites, blogs and forums to ambitious enterprise systems.

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Curbing Terrorist Content Online

Image source: TechCruch

Today, Cloudinary is proud to announce that it has joined The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), to help fight the spread of terrorist and violent extremist content on the Internet. The forum was established by Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube in mid-2017. Cloudinary will contribute to the hash-sharing database, which all contributing companies can use to help identify and block terrorist related images and videos upon upload.

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Cloud-Based Video Content Management Platform for Developers

Videos in web sites and apps are starting to catch up with images in terms of popularity and they are a constantly growing part of the media strategy for most organizations. This means bigger challenges for developers who need to handle these videos in their web sites and mobile apps. Cloudinary's mission is to solve all developer needs around image and video content management. In this blog post, we are excited to introduce Cloudinary's complete cloud-based video content management solution for developers.

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Getting Started with StencilJS

StencilJS is a new compiler for composing user interfaces using pure custom components. Stencil enables you to build components using new, cutting-edge technologies, such as TypeScript and JSX, then generates a pure custom component that can be used anywhere supported. This means you can import a Stencil generated component into React, Angular, Vue, etc.

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