Cloudinary Blog

Blog posts of 'digital-asset-management' tag - Page 8
Better Search Ranking Through Image Quality Improvement

Search ranking algorithms utilize various signals to determine how websites rank against each other on the internet either via desktop or mobile searches. One such signal is Site speed. In 2010, Google introduced Site speed as a signal in their search ranking algorithms. However, this only applied to web search ranking. Starting in July 2018, site speed will be a ranking factor of mobile searches. This change is another signal that developers must wake up and focus on improving the performance of their applications, since speed and load time affects a user’s experience of your page.

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GDPR: Cloudinary's take on the What, When, Why, and How

GDPR is a new regulation that deals with the way individuals' private information is handled. This regulation is going to have a deep effect on the entire internet industry. The fact that GDPR is a European regulation doesn't mean it's relevant only for European organizations. It requires protecting the data of any individual whose data is processed or stored in any way within European boundaries. As the reach of many companies is global, the requirement is actually relevant to a lot of companies worldwide.

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Taking a Collaborative Approach to DAM: The Importance of Marketing and IT Synergy

There are a lot of cool and useful marketing technology and tools available today. As a part of the marketing team at Cloudinary, we must identify and recommend the solutions that will scale and optimize our ability to reach, and effectively engage with, our prospects. One of the most critical tools, perhaps, is a digital asset management (DAM) solution, which I discussed in an earlier article here.

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Finding the Right Media Assets with a Robust Search API

Great content is hard to come by. You can invest a lot of time and effort in building a great media library, but if content managers and editors can't quickly find what they need at the right time, it's almost useless (and frustrating). Good search capabilities allow you to provide them with a better experience: present relevant content or a well-organized catalog by a variety of criteria such as tags, folders, size, resolution, aspect ratio, faces, colors and many more.

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Introducing Website Speed Test: An Image Analysis Tool Integrated with WebPagetest

Because images dominate page weight, methodical image optimization can have a significant effect on conversions and user experience. And the performance tools you choose to use can have a powerful impact on how websites are built and maintained. One such popular open source tool is WebPagetest. It is designed to measure and analyze webpage performance, which is why Cloudinary chose to partner with our friends over there to launch Website Speed Test.

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Don’t let your digital assets become a liability!

Everyone is a content producer today - from the largest publishing house and entertainment studio, down to the smallest eCommerce store, corporate website or personal blog.

If content is the lifeblood of your website or application, images and videos form the heart that makes it tick and creates an emotional connection with the audience. But, using images and videos to make the content visually engaging and meet your conversion goals, you face a new challenge: managing your digital assets. Because the images and videos are created by different teams for different channels - such as website, social media, eCommerce store, blogs, partners and digital agencies to name a few - chaos can ensue.

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Improve user experience with responsive websites and applications
This article originally appeared on Inc. Magazine and is reprinted with permission.

Back in the day, responsive website design wasn't the business imperative that it is now. In fact, just having a functioning website was all that it took to set you apart, and if it had images that loaded correctly within a few minutes, then that was a nice bonus. Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, those days are long gone.
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How mindbodygreen reduce costs & save development time

mindbodygreen is a leading lifestyle brand dedicated to health and wellness. The company’s website brings together leaders in the wellness world, best-selling authors, fitness experts, trusted healers, pioneering doctors, top chefs, celebrities and top-tier journalists to provide readers fresh, expert content and tools to help them live healthy, happy lives, regardless of their budget. The company was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Brooklyn, N.Y 
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