Cloudinary Blog

Blog posts of 'lazy-loading' tag
Automating File Upload and Sharing

As computer users, we constantly upload files, transferring them from one system to another over a network. You can perform uploads on a terminal, such as through the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or Secure Copy Protocol (SCP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP) clients, or web browsers. Generally, you upload files to move data to a server or a managed service like cloud storage, but you can also send files between distributed clients.

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 Lazy-Load React to Enhance Page Performance for Your Apps

React is a popular open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces (UIs) for single-page web applications, with React Native slated for building mobile apps. Helpfully, React organizes UIs into collections of reusable components, rendering feature management a cakewalk. However, to boost user engagement, conversion, and SEO ranking, you must optimize your app for fast page loads.

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 Lazy-Loading JavaScript for High-Speed Webpage Performance

JavaScript is a popular programming language, typically for building interactive web apps, thanks to its ease of use and ability to run in any browser with no "JavaScript turned off" setting. The language is easy to learn, accelerating app development. However, to avoid performance issues, be sure to optimize your JavaScript apps for media loading. You can do that by adopting techniques for optimizing website images, such as lazy loading.

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How to Get Killer Page Performance With Angular Lazy Loading

Angular is a popular open-source framework that offers a simplified process for building web applications. The framework is based on TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript—with additional features like static typing, interfaces, and classes—that promotes component-based development, ensuring that components are decoupled and easily reusable.

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Advanced Image Component for Cloudinary’s Angular SDKs

With Cloudinary’s current client-side SDKs, such as React, Vue, and Angular, you can manage images in numerous amazing ways, for example, making use of media from Cloudinary for your project, transforming media, and enhancing the responsiveness of your site. A new and exciting feature in our Angular SDK, called the Advanced Image component, takes image management to the next level by handling many common front-end (FE) tasks, such as lazy loading, placeholding, accessibility, and, coming soon, zooming. Just ask the component to perform any of those tasks by adding the appropriate attributes and it’ll do the rest.

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Three Popular and Efficient Ways for Loading Images

In the web-design arena, what you don’t see can hurt you. Worse, it could damage your brand’s reputation, let alone hurt the bottom line. I’m talking about images, which can consume a lot of bandwidth, upwards of 70 percent in some sites. Viewing them incurs a cost on your and your visitors’ part. In fact, you’re probably charged for images that are not displayed because visitors don’t scroll down far enough to view them.

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An Eye-Opening Talk: Building Apps for the Next Billion Users in Africa

William (iChuloo) Imoh, who hails from Lagos, Nigeria, recently embarked on a U.S. speaking tour, February 20-March 12, during which he powwowed with technical and product teams and communities at such renowned enterprises as Netlify, Pluralsight, Lucidchart, Twilio, and more in Salt Lake City, Dallas, Las Vegas, and San Francisco. On March 5, he gave an enlightening talk, entitled International Developers and Development: Building for the Next Billion Users at Cloudinary in Santa Clara, California. Below is a synopsis. For details, see the related slides.

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Lazy Loading for Optimal Performance

By Ezequiel Bruni
Lazy Loading for Performance

Who doesn't love some striking imagery to drive your point home? Whether you're selling a product or service, trying to communicate complex ideas, or simply captivate the emotions of your users, pictures can do that. Everyone knows they work, and everyone loves them.

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