Cloudinary Blog

Blog posts of 'startups' tag
Let's Get Ready to Hack!

This year at SXSW, we’re infusing Cloudinary’s powerful Visual APIs to the SXSW Hackathon, where teams compete  on high-tech creativity during a straight 24-hour programming event. Taking place at TechSpace, this exciting event will culminate with demos and awards at the Hilton (Salon C) on Wed, March 15 at 2pm.

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10 Startups managing images in the cloud, Part 7
What better way to sum up the year than with our latest 10 Startups compilation (part 7!)? As Cloudinary continues to grow, so does our customer base, with customers ranging in size and variation. In fact, out of our 2,500 paying customers, many are startups in various stages. We are always pleased to share the different use cases and verticals of these customers, and hope you find them interesting. 
Below is our latest collection - interested in reading back to previous roundups? Check out: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 & Part 6
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10 Startups managing images in the cloud, Part 6
Cloudinary’s customers can range in size, be found in a variety of verticals and boast multiple use cases. Large and small, our customers are our backbone and we like to support them by highlighting their stories on our blog.
Check out the ten featured startups below who are Cloudinary’s customers and utilizing the service as their image management system of choice.
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Our free plan quota just got 500% bigger

By Orly Bogler
Our free plan quota just got 500% bigger
We know what it's like to launch a new venture and what it takes to succeed as a company with bootstrapped origins.
Cloudinary was extremely fortunate to grow and become an established brand with an amazing customer base, and we never lost sight of our entrepreneurial spirit and love to the startup-y way of thought.
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10 Startups that manage their images in the cloud, Part 5
Often developers these days realize that they may be "re-implementing the wheel" building in-house technical solutions that are external to their core proposition. To solve this problem, they are looking for the best off-the-shelf SaaS solutions that will help them focus, get to market sooner, with better products, for lower overall costs.
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10 startups managing images on the cloud - Part 3
As tradition goes, we are happy to present Cloudinary's "10 Startup companies that manage their images in the cloud" - Part 3. (previous parts: Part 1, Part 2). 
As Cloudinary continues to grow, so do the features and capabilities we offer. This allows for usage methods that are even more creative and sophisticated than before. We wanted to showcase 10 great startup companies that each in its own wonderful, unique manner, use Cloudinary to manage their images.
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As Cloudinary continues to grow, the number of companies using Cloudinary to manage their images grows with us. Each company has its own unique product and utilizes Cloudinary in a different, fascinating way. In this post, we wanted to introduce you to several cool startup companies, and with them, the many different ways that Cloudinary’s services can be used. 
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6 Degrees of Cloudinary

By Orly Bogler
This blog post is not like our regular techie oriented blog post, this blog post is about you guys, our users. Call it the holidays' spirit, but lately we have been having a strong urge to say thanks. Thanks to our awesome users.
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