Cloudinary Blog

Blog posts of 'asset-management' tag - Page 12

Angular Image Upload

Angular Image Upload with Cloudinary

Based on Typescript and a total revamp of AngularJS, Angular is an open-source framework for developing mobile and web apps. That framework has been gaining popularity over the years with a large developer following.

Uploading Angular images to Cloudinary triggers this process:

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Share Your DAM Assets!

Share Your DAM Assets! New Visual Collections + Media Portal

If you've been working at home with young kids around during these “corona days”, you might have intuitively expected the last word of the title above to be "Toys" or "Candy"   😜. However, if you're a member of a creative team for a web site or software application, then you know how essential it is to have simple ways to share and collaborate on pre-production media assets.

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How to Get Killer Page Performance With Angular Lazy Loading

Angular is a popular open-source framework that offers a simplified process for building web applications. The framework is based on TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript—with additional features like static typing, interfaces, and classes—that promotes component-based development, ensuring that components are decoupled and easily reusable.

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Ten Website-Image-Related Mistakes and Their Solutions

Images take up over 60% of modern websites’ total bandwidth. In the case of cutting-edge, image-rich designs, such as those for social media like Pinterest, that number is, remarkably, over 85%.
Bandwidth is a costly commodity that gobbles up most of the IT budget of high-traffic sites, easily surpassing hosting and storage costs. In addition, because the sheer volume of traffic takes time to consume, your visitors often spend a lot of time waiting for images to load. 
Given the astronomical IT outlay, visitor abandonment due to lengthy load times, and the subsequent reduction in conversion rate and revenue, do make it a high priority to optimize your websites images and speed up their delivery.
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Automate Placeholder Generation and Accelerate Page Loads

Low-quality image placeholders (LQIPs) were originally introduced to enable webpages to load correctly in an orderly manner, displaying ultra small, blurry images while the actual version is loading, which works well with lazy loading in JavaScript. Then came a dilemma: should we add more JavaScript to help images load faster even though we must wait for the same JavaScript to run before they can load? It was a chicken-and-egg situation.

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Reformation Designs Engaging Shopping Experiences With Cloudinary

Reformation is a Los Angeles-based fashion brand that designs and sells sustainable, eco-friendly women's apparel and accessories in a small fraction of the time that more traditional fashion houses take. And while the company runs several brick-and-mortar stores across the United States, its business is conducted mostly online, with over half of its visitors accessing its content on mobile. A major challenge Reformation faced was how to display images and videos optimally for every user and device. Enter Cloudinary.

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