Cloudinary Blog

Blog posts of 'performance-optimization' tag - Page 11
Best Image Optimization Techniques: Expert Roundup

Unoptimized images can be incredible bottlenecks that turn an otherwise well-built web page into a slow loading, bloated one. With the ever-increasing percentage of users on mobile devices, properly sizing and optimizing images to provide a good mobile experience is even more important.

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Shopify Image Optimization: How to Improve Store Loading Times

Having a commanding presence in eCommerce is very important for the average entrepreneur or merchant today. Building a brand for your business online can be tricky. It’s frustrating having HD images from your product photographer and not having the right tools to optimize the image size and delivery time without losing the quality of the image. This causes latency in your online stores and piles up bad experiences for your users, resulting in losing conversions and revenues.

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Analyze and auto tag images with Amazon Rekognition

Knowledge is power. And if you allow your users to upload images, you also probably want to better understand what their images contain. Whether a photo is of a building, people, animals, celebrities, or a product, image processing and analysis can assist in further comprehension. The benefits of this knowledge can go beyond "merely" categorizing your content and making your image library searchable: drawing insights from user generated content can be very useful! What better way to learn more about your users than to analyze the images they upload and find out what they care about and then have the ability to display relevant content to them according to their interests or even match them with other users that share similar interests.

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forLoop: Nigeria Event on Building for The Next Billion Users


Since Google shared their intent for the next billion internet users, some African developers thought this was pointing right at them and they needed to act fast. The mission to bring the next billion users from Africa to the internet kicked off a storm of enthusiasm. This community event turned into a success story and this is a summary of what happened.

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Your Web Image is Unnecessarily Bloated

By Christian Nwamba
Your Web Image is Unnecessarily Bloated

Images make up a majority of web content.But a lot of websites and applications that we browse aren’t always delivering the most optimal image format, size, quality and dimension.. . .

As a developer, it seems inefficient to serve a 2000kb JPEG image when we could compress images to optimize the performance without degrading the visual quality.

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Image Optimization for WordPress

By Prosper Otemuyiwa
Image Optimization for WordPress

WordPress is the number one content management system (CMS) in use today, running approximately 27 percent of the entire internet. Several high-traffic websites run on WordPress, and many utilize media, such as images and videos, to attract users and meet their needs.


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Introducing Website Speed Test: An Image Analysis Tool Integrated with WebPagetest

Because images dominate page weight, methodical image optimization can have a significant effect on conversions and user experience. And the performance tools you choose to use can have a powerful impact on how websites are built and maintained. One such popular open source tool is WebPagetest. It is designed to measure and analyze webpage performance, which is why Cloudinary chose to partner with our friends over there to launch Website Speed Test.

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You might have read some tutorials or articles explaining the importance of images and how to optimize them to deliver a great experience to your users. But does this work really translate into wins for your company? In this talk, you see real-world examples of the positive impact that image optimizations can have on metrics that your bosses and clients care about. You will walk away from this talk with compelling data and useful tools to help you get buy-in and support for this important user experience work at your company.

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