Cloudinary Blog

Blog posts of 'asset-management' tag - Page 9
Image Formats: Getting it Right

Image formats, which are standards for digital images, can be uncompressed, compressed, raster based, or vector based. You determine the DNA of your images with the formats you adopt, each of which offering different capabilities. For example, rasters generate images with pixels; vectors, with vectors or proportional formulas. PNGs can display logos without background; JPEGs always come with backgrounds. This article explains the main properties of the various image formats, including their basic concepts and pros and cons.

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Automating File Upload and Sharing

As computer users, we constantly upload files, transferring them from one system to another over a network. You can perform uploads on a terminal, such as through the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or Secure Copy Protocol (SCP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP) clients, or web browsers. Generally, you upload files to move data to a server or a managed service like cloud storage, but you can also send files between distributed clients.

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User-Generated Content, Part 1: The Basics

User-generated content (UGC), aka user-created content (UCC), is material—images, videos, audio, text—that is posted by online audiences at will, often on social media. Such content frequently and indirectly promotes products and services for the organizations concerned, lending more credibility than conventional advertisements.

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Laravel File Upload to a Local Server Or to the Cloud

Currently, Laravel is the most renowned PHP framework, boasting of a large developer community; several open-source packages, such as Cashier, Sanctum, Scout, and Telescope; and a host of paid platforms, e.g., Laravel Forge, Envoyer, and Vapor. Laravel Forge & Envoyer ably supports deployment and use of Laravel production-based apps.

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Introducing Cloudinary’s New Laravel SDK

Known far and wide as the “PHP framework for web artisans,” Laravel is a robust, expressive, and productive developer tool. In particular, it's clean, smooth, and fluent API interface greatly simplifies the process of embedding features in web apps.

Read more Automates Generation of Captivating Product Images on Cloudinary

At, we digitally restore historic maps and sell their art prints on multiple platforms, such as Amazon, Etsy, eBay, and Houzz. As our operations ramped up years ago, it took an inordinately long time to generate custom images for our products. Plus, since we sell art, it behooves us to produce multiple high-quality images for each print, which was another time-consuming task.

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